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Automated Pipeline Inspection System (CDU-PL)

Large diameter scanning system (CDU-PL101) technical specifications
Small diameter scanning system (CDU-PL102) technical specifications

Multi-channel automated ultrasonic B-scan and Time Of Flight Diffraction (TOFD) display technology has become more popular in recent years, because there are many flaws existing in the traditional inspection methods. For example, radiographic inspection occasionally omits cracks and non-fused flat defects, and manual ultrasonic inspection involves inevitable human errors. Therefore, multi-channel automatic pipeline inspection technology is leading the industry to a new era. In 1998, the automatic ultrasonic inspection method was offically accepted by ASTM standard (ASTM E1961-98) and API standard (API 1104). Canada even requires automatic ultrasonic inspection as the only method to be used in long distance pipeline inspection.

CD International Technology, Inc. (CDINT) has developed an automated pipeline inspection system with unique transducer, wedge, and scanner features. The combination of these features brings quality and efficiency to the inspection operation. The system can be used on both large and small diameter pipes.

The innovative single-head, multi-element, integrated array transducers minimize size and weight, and provide for a much simpler mechanical assembly. CDINT selects these integrated array transducers for welds of a given size and shape, so operators do not need to continually re-adjust transducer configuration during the inspection.

CDINT uses a special material for the transducer wedges. This material can endure high temperature (50 - 100°C) while maintaining excellent and consistent sound propagation. Therefore, temperature changes will not affect transducer refraction angles.

CDINT manufactures two types of motorized scanner tracks for use with this system. One incorporates a lightweight but rigid spring-steel band that is suitable for large diameter pipes (over 500mm); the other is a geared aluminum-alloy ring assembly that is suitable for pipes that are smaller than 500 mm (75mm to 500mm) in diameter.

All of our systems are code-compliant with the API1104 and ASTM E1961-98 standards.

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